ブックタイトルEverything about Incense


このページは Everything about Incense の電子ブックに掲載されている110ページの概要です。


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Everything about Incense

What is“Mon-koh”?In Focus13In Mon-koh (“listening to incense”), one single-mindedly focuses onthoroughly appreciating incense fragrances. It is a good way to enjoy theexquisite and different smells of aromatic wood. The participants burnincense using special utensils and following set procedures.Mon-kohHow to Enjoy Incense:Quietly AppreciatingFragrancesIn Mon-koh, people hold an incenseburner and appreciate the fragranceof aromatic wood arising from it.To do so, wood is indirectly heatedby placing it on top of the burner’sash, which contains a piece of heatedcharcoal.108