ブックタイトルEverything about Incense


このページは Everything about Incense の電子ブックに掲載されている15ページの概要です。


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Everything about Incense

Chapter 1●What Is that Fragrance?The Smelling MechanismIn Focus2For a long time people have smelled flowers for peace of mind, and inferredthat there is danger nearby based on smoke and pungent odors. Let’s takea look at this important faculty.What Are the Five Senses?The five senses?sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste?are the sensory functions thatperceive one’s surroundings. According to one theory, when categorized more precisely,there are 20 sensory functions.The Sense of SmellDeep in the nose there areolfactory receptor cells, and thecilia (thin hairs) that come out ofthem catch the smell moleculesincluded in the air. The receivedsmell signals are sent throughthe nerves to the brain, whichdistinguishes between them.Olfactory nerveOlfactory bulbSmell signalOlfactory bulbOlfactory nerveOlfactory receptor Cilia Olfactory epitheliumOlfactory and gustatory center13Source: RIKEN,“Riken News”