ブックタイトルEverything about Incense


このページは Everything about Incense の電子ブックに掲載されている41ページの概要です。


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Everything about Incense

Chapter 2●So Many Kinds of IncenseHaha…there’s Nioi-koh(“scent incense”)in them.Yeah…is there somesort of secret?But, why do sachetsgive off an aromaeven thoughthey’re not lit?The scentsare cut up andblended so thatthey give offa fragrancewithoutbeing lit.They areeffective asmothballs, too.Put one in thecorner of yourdresser,and your clothingwill give offa nice smell.So they’remuch more thanjust a good smell.Wow!39The natural plant pyrethrum, which is a type of plant that acts as a naturalinsecticide, is one of the ingredients in this incense, which helps make itmosquito-repellent.