ブックタイトルEverything about Incense


このページは Everything about Incense の電子ブックに掲載されている11ページの概要です。


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Everything about Incense

Chapter 1●What Is that Fragrance?GamesFrom the New Year’s games of Karuta (a Japanese alphabet card game) to Takoage(“kite flying”), you can find Japanese children’s games that have existed since ancienttimes.Hanetsuki Takoage KarutaIt is said that the origins of hanetsuki(a Japanese game like badminton) liein a ball and paddle game played inthe imperial court around the seventhcentury, and that the custom of sendinga hanetsuki-ita (the paddle) as a magiccharm to a girl on her first New Year’semerged during the Warring Statesperiod (1467?1568).This form of kite flying took rootas a New Year’s activity duringthe latter half of the Edo period(1600?1867). Today there areorganizations with members acrossthe country, and people participatein tournaments.The card game Karuta has its roots inthe Heian period (794?1192), fromthe seashell matching game kai?i, andtook its present form during the Edoperiod (1600?1867).EntertainmentJust as with Koh-do (“incense ceremony”)?in which people appreciateincense?all Japanese traditional entertainment is particular about ancientconventions and the beauty of movement.Sumo Kabuki RakugoThis national sport of Japan hasevolved with the times: in theKamakura period (1192?1333)it was a martial art, and in theEdo period (1600?1867) it wasentertainment. Today it is aprofessional sport that is wellknown throughout the world.Kabuki is a type of Japanesetraditional theater that reached itspresent form during the Edo period(1600?1867). Men also performwomen’s parts, and it includesmusic and dance. It’s still populartoday, as well.Rakugo (“comedic storytelling”) is atraditional form of entertainment thatis said to have started during the Edoperiod (1600?1867). The performersits on a cushion while wearing akimono, and entertains the audienceby telling a story based on theconversations between its characters,which closes with a punch line.9