ブックタイトルEverything about Incense


このページは Everything about Incense の電子ブックに掲載されている61ページの概要です。


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Everything about Incense

Chapter 3●How Koh (“Incense”) is MadeBorneolThe crystallized sap of Dryobalanops aromatica (Dipterocarpaceae).Mainly produced in Sumatra and Borneo, it’s used for incense andalso acts as an insect repellant.FrankincenseThe resin from the trunk of the Boswellia sacra tree(Burseraceae). It’s produced in Northeastern Africa,on the coast of the Arabian Sea, and in Somalia.Ginger LilyThe dried rhizome (root section) of the Kaempferiagalangal plant (Zingiberaceae). It originates inVietnam and is now primarily found in India andthe southern part of China.PatchouliThe dried grass of a Lamiaceae plant. Itoriginates in the Philippines, and produceswhite and light purple flowers.Veined Rapa Whelk ShellA conch shell that is used as an aromapreservative. Today, they are often fromSouth Africa.59